A list of helpful services

Once upon a time Citizens Advice asked me to volunteer for them after helping one of my friends deal with the job centre. Unfortunately it was only volunteering and I wasn’t able to start with them as I had other obligations; however a few friends have suggested perhaps I write a few lists and explain which services might be helpful to someone somewhere. If you find the lists helpful please share, if you feel we missed a service please drop us a comment to let us know.

General Advice services

Sometimes we can be bombarded with forms and other information that seems overwhelming, these services listed below should be able to help you navigate your way through sometimes very daunting bureaucracy.

Homeless services

Becoming homeless can be a terrifying ordeal, I know I was was a rough sleeper when I was in my early twenties. These services can help you and hopefully get you back on your feet or at least find some safety at night.

  • Shelter: Provides legal advice, support, and housing assistance.
  • Crisis: Helps individuals through education, employment, and housing support.
  • St. Mungo’s Offers outreach and accommodation services to help individuals recover from homelessness.
  • The Salvation Army: Provides emergency accommodation and support for rough sleepers.
  • Centrepoint: Supports young people aged 16-25 with housing, education, and health services.
  • Depaul UK: Focuses on young people, offering emergency shelter and support for long-term independence.
  • Emmaus UK: Offers housing and work opportunities for homeless individuals.

Domestic abuse services

No matter what you are told you did not make anyone do anything, you are not worthless and no they most likely will never change and you should get out! As someone who experienced this myself as a child trust me just leave whilst you can. There are a lot of charities out there who can support you here are a few of the more well known ones.

  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline: Operated by Refuge, this 24-hour freephone service provides advice and support to women experiencing domestic abuse.
  • Women’s Aid: A national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children, offering information, support, and a directory of local services.
  • Victim Support: An independent charity providing emotional and practical help to victims of crime, including those affected by domestic abuse.
  • SafeLives: A UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse, offering resources and support for individuals and professionals.
  • Men’s Advice Line / Respect: A confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse, providing emotional support, practical advice, and signposting to other services.
  • Citizens Advice: Provides free, confidential information and advice to assist people with legal, debt, housing, and other problems, including support for those experiencing domestic abuse.

Suicided helplines

No matter what you think, you are loved and you will be missed, trust me. You are not a burden, please stay with us.


We don’t choose to love who we love, you shouldn’t have to deal with percussion simply for loving the “wrong person”, as someone who was recently at their mums same sex wedding I whole heartedly agree with equality.

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